Regular pool maintenance not only ensures that your Atlanta pool stays clean and inviting, proper pool care also extends the lifespan of pool equipment. You don’t have to be a chemist to balance pool chemicals properly and enjoy the swimming season. Although following basic guidelines for chemical applications takes a bit of practice, it is well worth the effort to protect your investment. Consult with Aquatic Excellence LLC pool maintenance technicians to help you plan your pool care regimen and for helpful tips on keeping pool water crystal clear.
The chlorine, alkaline, pH and cyanuric acid levels in your pool should be verified frequently and adjusted according to recommendations provided by pool professionals. Evaluating each of the chemical components can be done with a simple home test kit. Results are measured and provided as “parts per million” (ppm) indicating measurement of a substance by volume in relation to pool water. Whether you choose to use test strips or enlist the help of one of our pool technicians, balancing pool chemicals properly is an important part of basic pool maintenance.
From the first shock treatment at opening and throughout the pool season, chlorine is an essential product for keeping all bacteria and algae from growing in pool water. The key is ensuring that enough chlorine is applied to prevent bacterial growth, yet still remain safe for swimming. Available in liquid or tablet form, consult with Aquatic Excellence LLC technicians in Atlanta for professional assistance on the best methods for sanitizing your pool.
The ideal range of the pH level in your pool water is anywhere from 7.4 and 7.6 ppm. Ratings below 7.2 indicate a high acidity and those above 7.8 show an alkaline level that is considered too high. Water tends to appear cloudy and algae can become a problem when pH and alkaline are above the recommend level. Keep pH levels balanced with pool products and to protect equipment.
Linked closely with the pH level, alkaline levels in your pool should read between 100 and 120 ppm. Low alkalinity indicates low pH that can be increased with a simple chlorine shock treatment and other specialized pool products.
Cyanuric acid functions as a chlorine stabilizer and is found in chlorine tablets. Cyanuric acid helps to maintain a proper chlorine level but must be properly applied to avoid adversely affecting alkalinity and pH levels
Consult Aquatic Excellence LLC for assistance with the application of any pool product and remember to carefully follow manufacturer’s instructions when handling pool chemicals. Never mix pool chemicals together and avoid breathing fumes during application.
For assistance with any part of pool care contact the Atlanta pool maintenance experts at Aquatic Excellence LLC to discuss a convenient service plan.
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